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Investing in high-quality private companies to generate long term growth


Investing in high-quality private companies to generate long-term growth

Managed by Neuberger Berman, a leading private markets investor, NB Private Equity Partners provides shareholders with the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of approximately 90 private companies, all hand-picked by Neuberger Berman.

  • Primarily invested in the US, the largest, deepest private equity market
  • Diversified across sectors, underlying private equity managers and company size
  • Benefitting from the skills and valuation creation initiatives of the private equity manager to drive value in the underlying companies
  • Leveraging the strength of Neuberger Berman’s platform, relationships, deal flow and expertise to access the most attractive investment opportunities
  • Control of capital deployment through co-investments
  • Typically investing on a no management fee or carried interest basis
Select the best deals available…
From premier private equity firms…
In their core areas of expertise


Principles for Responsible Investment Sustainable Development Goals UN Global Compact Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct